What we do:
Solutions for Affordable Healthy Food

Three Billion People Cannot Afford A Healthy Diet
In poor countries, people get their calories consumptions from starchy high-carbs food

The World’s Average Global Cost for a Healthy Diet USD 3.69/Day
Four times more expensive than the average diets

Stories & news about healthy food from around the world
Delicious is one thing, but Innovation is never just “a thing”
We're Here To Make Foodies Eat Better

This is how we define & bring
Our Solutions
into reality

Our R&D is focusing on food-ingredients that will accommodate a healthier choice for food producers without sacrificing the taste

Our company is focusing on a sustainable food supply chain. That means we will also work together with food farmers and traditional food retailers

Our company is also preserving the existence of food as part of heritage due to the sugar-tax policy and regulations implications
We are collaborative house with an inclusive business model to our partners (academia, agrarian community and institutions)
Business Model
End-to-End Innovation
To work with specific heritage-culinary communities in preserving the food culture with a healthier choice and reasonable cost
We are collaborative house with an inclusive business model to our partners (academia, agrarian community and institutions)
To work with specific heritage-culinary communities in preserving the food culture with a healthier choice and reasonable cost
Direct commercial sales (B2B model) with F&B retailers who are aiming to leverage the new growth in their products related to healthy-options segment with reasonable price to the market

Milestone journey of our existing and upcoming products for the healthy world

A startup founded during the global pandemic in 2020 by a professional pilot, Giancarlo Bucci. Giancarlo has been passionate about the science of food and a healthy way of living of ketogenic lifestyle.
In a small city in northern Italy, called Faenza, using his global knowledge and network, he had started a research on some projects in food-ingredients with ketogenic compliance.
Inspired and proud by the Italian tradition, Giancarlo has found the first formula for a ketogenic diet along with his team and food lab. The world’s first formula for zero-sugar gelato was invented during the global pandemic and the rising of sugar-tax policies.
The origin of our mission is to promote research, innovation and quality in the creation of a product of excellence of Italian artisan ice cream, while maintaining the taste of our ancient tradition.
In the spring of 2020 in full lockdown, the need to gratify oneself with something sweet is growing, without feeling guilty.
Hence the idea of developing an innovative product: ketogenic ice cream. Starting from a few notes on a sheet of paper, research and consultations with experts from all over the world, we arrive at the definition of the characteristics that this ice cream must have:
Be irresistible, rewarding, with top quality ingredients, but with only 1 gram of carbohydrate per serving.
The ice cream ke evokes the memory of a sensory experience between ice cream and those who taste it, reminiscent of “ke good !!” “Ke tasty !!”. Its name winks at modernity, it is a tribute to the future and a dream of well-being; combined with a reality of Italian excellence, it aims to maintain sweetness and satisfaction without guilt for its own line.
“We believe in a history of innovation and development”
Keto Ice Dream is a young, lean company that has relied on innovation, in which technology and industrial skills merge with the secrets of the best artisan tradition.
The KE GELATO is a line prepared with certified organic ingredients; with a container in biodegradable and fully compostable material we have made it a friend of nature.

Giancarlo Bucci
Research & Business Development Director

Catherina Eridani
Commercial & Investor Relation Director